- information resources, UK, insurance, life insurance, term insurance, pi
insurance, insurance services, contents insurance, buildings insurance, one
stop shop for insurance advice. Locating insurance information on the web.
UK information resources directory for insurance, life insurance, buildings
insurance, contents insurance, term insurance, PI insurance, with other insurance
advice on the web.
Over the course of the last ten years, car insurance for young drivers in
the UK has increased substantially.
This has caused many problems for new drivers with premiums averaging £1300
for a newly qualified 17 year old male driver.
Young female drivers pay a lot less for their policies due to their reduced
risk of being involved in an accident. EEC law is looking to make this a
discrimination issue but insurance companies and representative groups are
opposing this move.
The main factors which will effect your insurance premium are listed below;
The Vehicle - Choosing the right vehicle will have a massive impact on your
premium. As a guide, look at the insurance group of the car. The grouping
structure runs from Group 1 to Group 20 and your insurance premium will increase
as you move through the groups. Use the link below to our web site and use
the car grouping guide which will give you an indication of which vehicles
fall into which groups. Do not however rely on either guesswork or a basic
group guide when choosing a car. Even a subtle difference in model of vehicle
could effect your premium massively - Get quotes on every type of car you
are looking at before deciding on buying one.
Where you live - Not a lot you can do about this but in some areas of the
UK you are twice as likely to have your car stolen. In London you are 50%
more likely to be involved in an accident - Your premium will reflect where
you lice.
Pass Plus - If you have just passed your test, seriously consider pass plus.
This will give you discounts of up to 20% off your insurance premium. The
course costs £120 so can be very effective at saving you money and improving
your driving skills.
Type of Cover - As a first time driver you will normally be restricted to
third party fire and theft cover because of the costs involved. Consider
third party only cover also.
There are no shortcuts when insuring your first car but there is a silver
lining to that horrible first premium. A safe years driving will result in
a drop in your premium of around 50% in the following year.
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this web site. We suggest you to consult a solicitor and your doctor for
advice relevant to you own situation before making any important decisions.
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