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Locating finance information on the web. information resources directory
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arrears, car loans, and other forms of finance services on the web.
Bankruptcy - Having been legally declared financially insolvent. There
are two types of bankruptcy - liquidation, in which your debts are cleared
(discharged) and reorganization, in which you provide the court with a plan
for how you intend to repay your debts.
Collateral - Property acceptable as security for a loan or other
Collection Agency - A company hired by a creditor to collect a debt
that it is owed.
Contract - An agreement between two or more parties, usually written
down and enforceable by law .
Cosigner - To endorse (another's signature), as a loan agreement,
lease or credit application. If the primary debtor does not pay, the cosigner
is fully responsible for the loan or debt.
Credit Bureau - An organization to which business firms apply for
credit information on prospective customers.
Credit Report -An account of your credit history, prepared by a credit
bureau. A credit report will contain credit history, such as what you owe
to whom and whether you make the payments on time, as well as personal history,
such as your former addresses, employment record and any lawsuits in which
you have been involved.
Creditor - A person or entity (such as a bank) to whom a debt is owed.
Debtor - A person or entity (such as a bank) who owes money.
Debt to Income Ratio - Most mortgage lenders use this ratio to analyze
your financial well-being. It is figured by using your monthly debt divided
by your monthly income. The lower the percentage the better your financial
picture. This is often referred to as credit worthiness.
Default - To fail to pay money when it is due. A default on a mortgage
or loan takes place when you fail to make the loan payments on time, fail
to maintain adequate insurance or violate some other provision of your agreement
with the mortgage / loan company.
Discharge (of debts) - A court's writing of off the debts of a person
or business that has filed for bankruptcy.
Dischargeable Debts - Debts that can be erased by going through
Down Payment - A cash payment made by a buyer when they purchase a
Equity - An increase in the value of your home or decrease in the
loan amount on your home creates equity. Equity is the difference between
what is owed on your home and the sale value. Most home equity lenders will
allow you to borrow up to 80% of that value.
Fair Isaac and Company - Fair Isaac is the company responsible for
creating the popular FICO score. This three digit score is created using
information from your credit report and ranges from 300-850.
Foreclosure - The forced sale of property to pay off a loan on which
the owner of the property has defaulted.
Garnishment - A court order directing a third party who holds money
or property belonging to a defendant to withhold it and appear in court to
answer inquiries.
Grace Period - A period of time during which you are not required
to make payments on a debt.
Guarantor - A person who makes a legally binding promise to either
pay another person's debt or perform another person's duty if that person
defaults or fails to perform.
Interest - A commission you pay a bank or other creditor for lending
you money or extending you credit. Usually calculated as a percentage of
the mortgage or loan.
Lien - The right to take and hold or sell the property of a debtor
as security or payment for a debt or duty.
Loan Consolidation - The combining of a number of loans into a single
new loan. Usually done to gain more favourable terms e.g. lower cost repayments
or longer time to pay.
Principal - A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is
calculated. If you purchased an item for $100 on your credit card that would
be the principal balance.
Repossession - A creditor's taking of property that has been pledged
as collateral for a loan.
Secured Debt - A debt on which a creditor has a lien. A car loan would
be an example of secured debt.
Term - The time required to repay a loan.
Unsecured Debt - A debt that is not tied to any item of property.
Credit card debt is an example of unsecured debt.
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